Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tips For A Memorable Maid of Honor Speech

One of the duties a MOH must confront is writing a speech for the rehearsal or wedding-and that can be a daunting task- Where do I start? What do I say? How long should it be?

My first wedding this year is coming up in about a month, so I have been doing some research on this very topic. I came across some different blogs and posts on Pinterest with tips for writing a great speech and overcoming speaking in public (this can be really nerve wrecking for some).

Here are some of the things I found really helpful:

To be confident:

-Practice and know that you are prepared. Don't wing it and don't read straight from your paper.

-Share stories and feelings- don't just write a speech, write something from the heart and be sincere. This will make it easier to remember!

-Don't drink too much before you start your speech, wait until you're done to start boozing it up! (You don't want to be a hot mess in front of all the guests...)

Tips for the speech:

-First of all, keep it short. This is another reason it is important to practice, so that you can time it! Don't ramble on forever (like, 5 minutes) telling stories that no one can relate to.

-Introduce yourself- who are you? how do you know the bride and groom?

-Say your thank yous- thank the bride and groom, the bride's parents, and anyone else who helped to plan and put on the event.

-Greet the happy couple and tell them how amazing they look!

-Add some personal touches- share story of how you know the bride and groom, but stay away from too many inside jokes that the crowd wont be able to relate to. Also, make sure you include the groom in your speech as much as the bride. Nothing is worse than a speech dedicated to your lifelong friendship with the bride and not about the couple and their big day.

-Toast to the couple. A simple, "cheers," will do, but I have also read some more elaborate toasts as well. (if you search "wedding toast quotes" on Pinterest, you will find a million ideas!).

I hope this was helpful, I know that these tips were very useful to me as I was writing my next speech!

Have you found any tips that were useful for speech writing??

Good luck out there to all you MOH's, Best Men, Fathers, Mothers etc etc who will be giving speeches one day soon! Remember- practice makes perfect!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You should know that being a maid of honor comes with some important responsibilities that you need to comply with and one of which would be crafting a really special speech that you will have to speak out in front of the guests during the actual wedding ceremony. If you are not really good at writing Maid Of Honor, do not worry because we will be discussing tips as to how you can make a good one for your best friend's wedding.

  3. Hmmm very helpful blog, especially for someone like me. Warmest thanks! house cleaning services
